Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Differences among Right thinking Indians

Politics is all about "peaceful co-existence". In politics, u can't just hang on to your beliefs, wishes & ideology and claim "only this is correct and relevant".  You convince others on some beliefs and ideology, you compromise your own belief & ideology on some. This approach results in Win-for-all. Tha'ts how you build a "Party" or an association of like minded people. You don't build a Party by contradicting leaders or fellow-followers based on your personal beliefs. No man is perfect in this world, neither in Politics nor in our circle of family/friends.
It's sad to see some of our sane men/women who are on the "right" side of the fence in patriotism and Nationalist beliefs & idelogies, demean Great leaders like Vajpayee, Advani or any other based on some instances, events or misbeliefs dated to the past. If you find fault with past, even the person the whole nation admires today for his effort in bringing the 2G Spectrum Scam to limelight and ensuring the scamsters involved in it brought to book, Dr.Swamy, has to be hated for the infamous 1999-Tea Party where Sonia Gandhi & Jayalalitha colluded to send off the Vajpayee Govt by a defeciency of "one vote". Don't we all admire his work today? So, who is perfect? Are you perfect as a driver/rider while driving/riding on the street? Do you follow all rules? Don't you honk in rage?  Don't you honk in places where there are kids? That's just a nano example of the mistakes we commit in life. Every walk of life gives scope for people to achieve great heights and also commit mistakes . Greater heights are never achieved without errors enroute. You have to forgive them with emphasis to today, tomorrow and the job on hand. What purpose do we serve by simply criticizing our own men, leaders, who have brought laurels upon this nation. The world looks upon an Indian differently after the Six years under Atalji (1998-2004). I remember how the transformation was taking place. As I spent most of my life at the turn of century from 1998 to 2001 outside India, I could see the change in people's respect for an Indian and Indian Passport. That was because of some bold decisions of Atalji like going ahead with Pokhran-2. I have heard that the "luck of the head of state works for nation". True to this, it was the luck of the man leading us then, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, which worked for our nation. Undoubtedly and unarguably, the respect of an Indian and India as a Nation went up manifold under the Statesman Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Talking about Advani-ji, the contributions he has made to building this great political entity called BJP is phenomenal. Can anyone, in thorough knowledge of the history of the Party-BJP, deny his fatherly role in the upbringing of the baby that today is the only National party that can truly be called National. The other so called century-old National party is rather Anti-National and doesn't even deserve mention of its name here. Wouldn't he have dreamt of leading the nation one day when he put in all that hardwork? But times are different today. Cannot complain.
Politics is NO CHILD PLAY. You have to give some some and take some, magnanimously and also sanely. Even in running the government towards constructing a successful Nation, any ruling party takes some, not all, decisions with tacit support of opposition party. That is politics. One cannot behave like an adamant child in public life. The whole meaning of PUBLIC LIFE is lost when one wants only his/her own views to be heard or when one believes only his/her view is correct and rest is trash.
There is something called Peaceful Co-existence and that is not just relevant for inter-religious unity or inter-caste unity. It applies to all walks of life like Family, Political association etc. If we need to see a real difference in Election to Parliament in 2014, a change that will change the destiny of India for the better and give the nation positive direction forever into the future, we need to bury all these petty topics of who did what in the past, who failed to do what in the past, who was right and who was wrong.
The job on hand: Mission BJP 2014.  And, how? : Staying together. Forget and forgive all differences among the right thinking Indians. Look at the games being played by Christian missionaries in Koodankulam Nuclear power Project and the ignorant people falling prey to their anti-national games. Can we afford to relax or waste the time and resources? Don't just tweet or blog or talk. Do something. Explain the goodness that awaits the nation under a BJP Government at the centre from 2014. Target to convert a 100 people around you, the politically neutral poeple, into ardent BJP supporters. Accomplish. Be a part of change. I can hear the celebrations, already!!

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